Biografisches Handbuch: Todesopfer der Grenzregime am Eisernen Vorhang

  • Version 1.0
  • Published December 7, 2020

Table of Contents

    The Forschungsverbund SED-Staat and the Center for Digital Systems / University Library at Freie Universität Berlin are creating the Biografisches Handbuch: Todesopfer der Grenzregime am Eisernen Vorhang (Biographical handbook: Fatalities of the border regimes at the Iron Curtain). Currently, the digital handbook recalls nearly 300 victims at the inner-German border. Until 2022, the fatally failed escapes of GDR citizens across the Baltic Sea and the Eastern Bloc states will be gradually documented, too. A selection of biographies will be also accompanied by clips of narrative interviews with relatives of the victims or other people involved in the events. All biographies are searchable through various filter categories, a map, a timeline, or a full-text search.


    „Biografisches Handbuch: Todesopfer der Grenzregime am Eisernen Vorhang “, Version 1.0. In: OES Demo. Published by Center for Digital Systems, Freie Universitu00e4t Berlin, Berlin, December 7, 2020.

    October 2020
    Biographical online lexicon “Eiserner Vorhang” is published
